COMPOSITION ......................

Something's composition defines its very nature—an atom, a human, music. It’s also the result of an action, where the present moment is constructed by altering the past. A single wooden cube can become the unit that creates rhythm and catalyzes our actions, giving life to dormant forces, and our imagination. By manipulating the cubes on the table, Composition becomes at the same time a world, a sculpture, an instrument, and a multi-handed dance. More info here

Created by
Vincent Morisset, Caroline Robert, Édouard Lanctôt-Benoit and Vlooper.
Composition is a project developed during an artist residency with the PHI Studio. Phi team: Pheobe Greenberg, Isabelle Brodeur, Michaël Lefebvre, Julie Tessier, Sarah St-Laurent Migos, Marc-André Nadeau, Julie Tremblay, Myriam Achard, Vincent Lafrenière, Joël Guérin-Simard, Jeremy Felker. Fabrication and industrial design: Machine .